Jardín Chino Clásico De Portland

 ¿Qué ver en Jardín chino clásico de portland, Portland?

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The Classical Chinese Garden in Portland is a stunning attraction that transports visitors to a serene and tranquil environment. The garden is open daily from 10am to 6pm and the admission fee is $10 for adults and $8 for seniors and students. Children under the age of 5 are free.

The official website for the garden is https://www.portlandchinesegarden.org/ where visitors can find more information about the garden, events, and tours.

The garden is located in the heart of Portland's Old Town/Chinatown neighborhood, so there are many nearby attractions to visit. The Lan Su Chinese Garden, which is a smaller but equally beautiful Chinese garden, is just a few blocks away and is also worth a visit. The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, the Portland Art Museum, and the Oregon Historical Society are all within a few miles of the garden and have varying hours of operation, so it's best to check their websites for specific information.

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